Italian Studied Cases

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ID: I8 Title: Temple of the Concord, Agrigento, Italy.  
Period of construction: 450 – 440 B.C.
Structural type: Block structure
Chronology of intervention:
-597A.D: It was re-adapted like a Christian church; bishop Gregorio;
-1787: The temple was restored and brought back in the current condition; done by Gabriel Lancilloto Castles, prince of Torremuzza;
-1917: Done by Cavallari and Giuseppe Rao.
-Recent updates.
Type of Intervention:
Intervention on existing lacks and solution of degradation problems.

Description of the Interventions:
Liberation of the temple from the structures of the basilica.

Description of Intervention:
Interventions on the forth capital of the West side.

-Recent interventions:
The forth capital was studied and partially remade in limestone.
a West facade.
b East facade.
c the cell: the excellent state of conservation is due to its conversion into a basilica in the 6th century A.D.
d small “x” visible on the base of the column and to the bottom of the photography, they are signs that were used from the restorers in order to control the position of stones.

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