Project Deliverables

Work-package List (Full duration of the project):

Work-package No.Work-package TitleLead ContractorPerson MonthsDeliverable No.
WP1Ni-Ti AlloysSINTEF12D1-D3
WP2Alternative Shape Memory AlloysUNIPV15D2-D4
WP3Damper DevicesCONCRL15D5
WP4Sewing DevicesUNIPV12D6

Deliverables List (Full duration of the project):

Deliverable No.Deliverable TitleDelivery DateNature1Dissemination Level2
D1State of the art on Ni-Ti alloys6RPU
D2State of the art on Cu based alloys6RPU
D3Physical bases for devices implementation: NiTi alloys18RCO
D4Physical bases for devices implementation: Cu based alloys18RCO
D5Technology of damper devices18RCO
D6Technology of sewing devices18RPU
D7Identification of the mean case studies36RPU
D8Retrofitting design for the case studies36RP
D9Networked Data Base36RP
D10Proceedings dissemination conference36RPU
D11Technical retrofitting information for end user36RPU
1 R= Report, P= Prototype, D= Demonstrator, O= Other 2 PU= Public, PP= Restricted to other programme participants, RE= Restricted to a group specified by the consortium, CO= Confidential, only for members of the consortium.

Work-packages description:

Work package number 1 Start date or starting event: Month 0
Participant number 1 2 8 9 10 11 Total
Person-months per participant: 2 1 2 1 3 3 12
Identification and characterization of a Ni-Ti SMA alloy with optimal properties toward cultural heritage retrofitting.
Description of work:
Development of Ni-Ti alloys suitable for foreseen application.
T1.1 - Material design: Selection of the appropriate alloy and the necessary heat treatment procedure.
T1.2 - Alloys testing: Mechanical testing at various temperatures to understand the complex thermo-mechanical behaviour.
T1.3 - Metallurgical characterisation: Investigation of the material by differential thermal analyses and advanced optical and electron microscopy.
T1.4 - Application of NiTi: Selecting the appropriate procedures to form NiTi, to join NiTi to other materials and to protect it against corrosion.


Work package number 2 Start date or starting event: Month 0
Participant number 1 2 8 9 10 11 Total
Person-months per participant: 4 2 2 1 3 3 15
Identification and characterization of other shape memory alloys, with emphasis on Cu-based SMA alloys, with optimal properties toward cultural heritage retrofitting
Description of work:
Development of other shape memory alloys.
T2.1 - State of the art study: Literature review on super-elastic behaviour of various shape memory alloys, NiTi excluded.
T2.2 - Alloys testing: Mechanical testing at various temperatures to understand the complex thermo-mechanical behaviour.
T2.3 - Metallurgical characterisation: Investigation of the material by differential thermal analyses and advanced optical and electron microscopy.
T2.4 - Application of the selected alloy: Selecting the appropriate procedures to form and join the alloy and to protect it against corrosion.


Work package number 3 Start date or starting event: Month 6
Participant number 1 5 6 7 8 10 11 Total
Person-months per participant: 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 15
Design, implementation and validation of dampers exploiting SMA properties.
Description of work:
Damper Devices.
T3.1- Material selection.
T3.2- Comparison of different device design.
T3.3- Validation of the selected devices.


Work package number 4 Start date or starting event: Month 6
Participant number 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total
Person-months per participant: 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 12
Design, implementation and validation of sewing design based on SMA properties.
Description of work:
Sewing Devices.
T4.1 - Material selection.
T4.2 - Comparison of different device design.
T4.3 - Validation of the selected devices.


Work package number 5 Start date or starting event: Month 0
Participant number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 Total
Person-months per participant: 1 1 4 1 8 4 6 10 6 2 43
Smart retrofitting of monuments of different kinds: minarets, chapels, palaces, archaeological sites.
Description of work:
Development of technologies and tools for the smart retrofitting of monuments. The single WP covers the retrofitting by both sewing and damper devices and the tasks are associated with location of the case study.
T5.1 - North Africa A
T5.2 - North Africa B
T5.3 - Middle East A
T5.4 - Middle East B
T5.5 - North Africa C (without hazard analysis)


Work package number 6 Start date or starting event: Month 0
Participant number 1 2 3 5 6 9 Total
Person-months per participant: 1 2 2 1 1 1 8
To build a network database of monumental buildings prone to a smart retrofitting.
To incorporate the design of such a retrofitting when available.
Description of work:
Development and operation of an Internet-based network devoted to the retrofitting of monumental structures. The single work-package planned is organized in three tasks:
T6.1 - Networking architecture.
T6.2 - Data base architecture for historical buildings.
T6.3 - Inventory of buildings retrofitted by innovative techniques.


Work package number 7 Start date or starting event: Month 0
Participant number 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Total
Person-months per participant: 1 2 1 2 2 5 3 1 1 1 19
To promote the dissemination of the result at a scientific and a professional level.
Description of work:
T7.1 - To organize special session on the project theme within internationally recognized scientific and technical conferences. Participation in the selected conferences.
T7.2 - To organize and publicize the final dissemination conference.
T7.3 - To compare the main findings of the research with the development achieved in other research environments, namely: Russia, USA, China, Japan and South America (International Links).
T7.4 - To disseminate the main findings of the research activity across end-user, namely design and construction companies in the MED countries, and organizations supervising the preservation of the cultural heritage in all the countries of the team partners.


Work package number 8 Start date or starting event: Month 0
Participant number 1 2 Total
Person-months per participant: 4 2 6
Objectives: A - managing the relation with the EU scientific and financial responsible delegates;
B - Leading the executive and steering committee;
C - Using the appropriate attorney and lawyer consulting to prevent any inconvenience;
D - Smoothing the discrepancies between EU rules and the administrative rules of the non-member states.
Description of work:
1 - Signature of the agreement with EU;
2 - Deeply understanding of the FP6 project managing rules;
3 - Preparation of periodical (bi-annual and annual) scientific reports;
4 - Preparation of annual financial report; including the final relation;
5 - Organizing Executive and Steering Committee meetings.

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