Type of interventions:
Irreversible interventions made by “save the object of the restoration from the condition of ruin”.
Description of the interventions:
-A poetic, but false reconstruction: the rests of many (different) temples were used
The building was cleared from stones and soil which covered it since many centuries.
Villareale and Cavallari were the archaeologists that, under the order of the Duca of Serradifalco, took the plan of the temple and built on three terrace three column, in 1856 they realised a fourth column.
a, b, c , d, From the original 34 columns only 4 at the corners stand, surmounted by architraves and cornice. It remains a beautiful rose -window and, at the sides of the roof, roof gutter in the form of lion head.
The temple is called also “of the three columns” because of an optic illusion: from some viewpoints one column is covered by the others one.