Tunisian Studied Cases

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ID: T2 Title: The Karraka, Goulette, Tunisia.  
Period of construction: The beginning of the 16th century
Structural type: Block and small stones structure
Chronology of intervention:
-The beginning of the 16th century: Construction of a small tower.
-1534: The small tower is transformed in a fortress by Khareddine BARBAROUSSE
-1535: Restoration of the monument by CHARLES-QUINT, after the war between him and BARBAROUSSE.
-1556: Reinforcing the monument structure by the construction of bastions in the corners of the monument, done by CHARLES-QUINT.
-1574: The destruction of some parts of the monument by the Turks army.
-XVII & XVIII: Restoration of the monument.
-1795: Construction of a defence wall in the shape of half moon in the front side of the monument.
-1965: Restoration of the monument.
Description of the Interventions:
-1534: The small tower is transformed in a fortress by Khareddine Barbarousse.
-1535: Restoration of the monument by CHARLES-QUINT, after the war between him and BARBAROUSSE.
-1556: Reinforcing the monument structure by the construction of bastions in the corners of the monument, done by CHARLES-QUINT.
-1574: The destruction of some parts of the monument by the Turks army.
-XVII & XVIII: Restoration of the monument.
-1795: Construction of a defence wall in the shape of half moon in the front side of the monument.
-1965: Restoration of the monument.

a: Facade of the monument.
b: Image of the western side of the monument.
c: Image of the terrace of the monument.

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