Tunisian Studied Cases

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ID: T13 Title: Spanish Tower of Chikly, Tunis, Tunisia.  
Period of construction: The Aghlabide period (Between 9th and 10th centuries)
Structural type: Structure in quarry and big stones, bow in full hanger
Chronology of intervention:
- Aghlabide period: Edification of an old walled palace.
- 1546-1550: Restoration and backing of the defensive structure by the Spanish governor of the Goulette, Luys Peres of Varga.
- 1574: Other works under the direction of Don Juan Zamoguerra.
- 1660: Restoration of the old building by Mostafa Ellaz.
- 1782-1814: The monument is transformed in Lazaret under the reign of Hamouda Pacha.
- 1830: The tower is completely abandoned and greatly damaged (signalled by C.Falbe).
- 1998-2007: Restoration of the monument in the Tuniso-Spanish cooperation project for the restoration and the enhancement of the tower.
Description of Interventions:
-Aghlabide period: Edification of an old walled palace.
-1546-1550: Restoration and backing of the defensive structure by the Spanish governor of the Goulette.
-1574: Other works of restoration and edification of a small mole in stone, to the west part of the islet.
-1660: Restoration of the old building.
-1782-1814: The monument is transformed in Lazarus.
-1830: The tower is completely abandoned and greatly damaged.
-1998-2007: Restoration works of walls, arches, bows and soil. Drainage of the rain water.

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