Graduate School in Civil Engineering

Research field

The variety of interests and competences present in the departments involved in the doctorate allows many differentiate fields, correspondent to the following



  • performance indicator supporting decisions in the planning, design and management of water distribution systems;
  • monitoring and modelling of urban wet weather runoff;
  • numeric modelling of "in pressure" and free surface flows;
  • technical hydrology;
  • urban drainage systems;
  • basins settlement;
  • hydrogeological risk;
  • experimental and numerical analysis of phenomena regarding biomedical engineering field (RF liver thermal ablation);
  • experimental and numerical analysis of erosion phenomena;
  • numerical analysis of fluid dynamic behaviour of valves using Eulerian and Lagrangian (SPH, Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics) methods;
  • numerical and experimental analysis of multiphase flows (gas-liquid) within wastewater treatment plan.


  • advanced biological and chemical treatments for liquid wastes;
  • wastes recovery for concrete production;
  • advanced treatments for drinking water;
  • domestic and industrial wastewaters treatment and performance tests;
  • wastewaters reuse;
  • treatment of contaminated soils;
  • treatment and criteria for managing first meteoric water and scouring water of outdoor areas;
  • metals removal and recovery from liquid wastes;
  • renewable energy production;


  • structural health monitoring with terrestrial systems (accelerometers, displacement sensors) and satellite-controlled systems (GPS);
  • macro-zonazione e micro zonazione;
  • numerical techniques for the simulation of the ground-structure interaction;
  • numerical and experimental aspects of passive structural control;
  • probabilistic analysis and simulation methods for seismic vulnerability evaluation;
  • seismic risk analysis and risk mitigation methods;


  • structural health monitoring with terrestrial systems (accelerometers, displacement sensors) and satellite-controlled systems (GPS);
  • numerical and experimental aspects of passive structural control;
  • numerical and experimental study of smart materials (Shape Memory Alloy, Piezoelectric materials, etc. ) and their application in monumental buildings rehabilitation;
  • characterization tests for mechanic and fatigue behavior of shape memory alloys and plastic materials for hydraulic and structural engineering applications;
  • probabilistic analysis and simulation methods for structural safety;
  • environmental, industrial and territorial risk analysis;
  • numerical and experimental techniques of non-linear dynamics of structures;
  • numerical modeling of aeroelastic forces and aerodynamic instability in huge span bridge design and cable vibration control.

The final examinations for the achievement of the doctorate and the tests for the admission to the following years, are carried out by a commission, concerning one or more analogous curricula.

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